I’ve included a simple docker-compose.yml file in the root of the repo, so you can spin up a local environment without having to install in your computer Ruby or any other library. If you are versed in Ruby, gems, and bundle you can probably skip this section and go ahead!

Just install Docker and Docker Compose, visit the repo folder and run docker compose build. Then, every time you wan to spin up the local environment just run docker compose up and visit http://localhost:8080/gh-pages-minima-starter.

Alternatively, if you prefer to install all the software locally please follow the docs.

The compose file is super simple, it just refers to a local Dockerfile image definition setting up the current folder as the container /srv/jekyll directory and starts the server with convenient options like livereload.

version: '3'

      context: .
    command: jekyll serve --watch --force_polling --incremental --port 8080 -H --livereload --livereload-port 35729 --baseurl /gh-pages-minima-starter
      - .:/srv/jekyll
      - '8080:8080'
      - '35729:35729'
      RUBYOPT: '-W0'
      JEKYLL_ENV: production